The Coat That Started It All

Back in 1989 I was heading into my final year at RISD and was working in Harvard Square for the summer.
I was very aware of the fashion trends happening around me.
There was a store in Cambridge that sold an amazing selection of on trend garments, and lucky for me, they were right across the street from the shop at which I was working. I would browse daily- seriously- daily. They had a black swing coat that I fell madly in love with. It fell just above my knees, it was nice and full at the hem and more fitted on top, and it made me so happy. I had to have it.
I paid 250.00 for that coat back in 1989. A crazy amount of money for a poor college student, but I had to have it.
I wore that coat for years- constantly. It fell apart. The lining shredded. I had it relined. The hem came out. I had it rehemmed. Eventually I gave up and let it go. People would stop me on the street and tell me how they loved my style. I still think about that coat. With a knee length dress, tights and clunky shoes, it was divine.
I am telling you all of this because that coat from 1989 was the inspiration for the Essential Swing Coat I am about to release!
Sometimes a design is timeless. Sometimes it is simply spot on. Sometimes it is a cut that is so flattering that it is hard to top.
Stay tuned for Friday! If you are on the email list, you will get notified when the site goes live and get a first crack at the offerings!